For 2025 the aim remains to post a review at least every other Friday and to progress the Book-et List reading journey.

02 August 2019

Ironopolis – Glen James Brown

The book consists of six narratives spanning five decades of life in a struggling Teesside community.  It is struggling with poverty, poor housing, declining industry, unemployment, crime and anti-social behaviour. At least that is the external face; within the community are some decent folk making the best they can day to day with vibrancy and undue optimism.

In addition to location other threads link the narratives: common characters (at various stages of their lives), legendary events (seen from multiple perspectives), even a mythical creature that haunts the subterranean waterways and misty banks of the Tees (and the imagination of the locals).  The threads weave into a beguiling tapestry that may, or may not, reveal hidden truths.

Though the nature of truths and facts is a theme too; whose truth, whose facts?  The unreliability of memory and the existence of an ever-evolving local folklore underlie each engrossing tale, each told with a different, convincing yet articulate, voice that makes for effortless reading.

The only problem is the compulsion to keep reading and the conflicting desire to never reach the end.

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